Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Crunch Crunch Part III

Crunch Crunch Part Deux

More snows!!

Crunch Crunch Part I

What is it with this crazy Seattle weather? I hate using my vacation time for snow days, but yesterday was totally worth it. I went out for a nice crunchy walk and took plenty of pictures, so many in fact, that some of them are in the next 2 posts.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Yesterday was incredibly dreary outside, but I had the need to go take pictures anyway. Knowing that the destruction of Bimbo's is nearing (yes, for more fucking condos), I went to Pine Street and took shots of the colorful facade that graces the old building. The window displays are at Area 51 and Wall of Sound. Next I drove through the Arboretum and stopped at MOHAI and snapped the gears on the old cannon. The Native American head that watches over the parking lot leered down at me. I had heard they were tearing down the old commissary at Magnuson (Sand Point Naval Base), so I headed down there next. I love old deserted buildings for some reason. I probably could have gone inside, as there were gapes in the surrounding fence and there were not any "no trespassing" signs posted, but what if a bogeyman was in there? I couldn't seem to grow a pair, so I only peered in one window and then got out. The little cat lives and wanders near Broadway. She was taking shelter from the rain under a bench but wanted some scritches and then she posed for the camera.